Main Projects Trident Maple Trident Maple #11 - Update July 2017 It's the start of the repotting season here in Melbourne, Australia and also time for an update on this Trident Trident Maple #11 - Air Layer update October 2014 Spring has sprung and the trident is well and truly off to a flying start. It doesn't appear to have Trident Maple #11 - Air Layer update July 2014 I've just checked the tree as I'm thinking about whether the layer is removed later this month or of it Trident Maple #11 - Air Layer update January 2014 It's now quite hot in Melbourne Australia with temperatures last week staying well above 40 degrees Celsius. A good watering Trident Maple #11 - Air layer I've had this trident maple in the collection for a while now, maybe 3 years and while I've been working